Early Years Literacy Support


Student Selection Process:

The division has an approach to assist our struggling grade one English readers, through the Reading Recovery™ Program. The purpose of the programs is to provide intense English reading interventions to Grade 1 students who have not shown adequate reading skill development by the end of their Kindergarten year. The program is a supplemental reading program and does not replace the regular Grade 1 reading program. All students have their reading assessment completed by the classroom teacher who works with the school's resource teacher and divisional Consultant who select the lowest 20% of Grade 1 students across the division for extra support. All schools offer the Reading Recovery™ Program and the Leveled Literacy Intervention system. These supports are provided in Grade 1 classes where English is taught.


Program Success:

The Reading Recovery™ Program is a highly effective short-term intervention of one-to-one tutoring for low-achieving first graders. The intervention is used as a supplement to good classroom teaching. As of September 2017, Reading Recovery is provided in all schools with Grade 1 classes.

The Reading Recovery™ Program has a strong tradition of success with the lowest-achieving children. Developed in New Zealand 30 years ago, Reading Recovery now also operates in most states in the United States, as well as Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

For further information, please contact your school's Resource Teacher.
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