400-Support Services

This section includes policies and procedures related to Student Services, non-instructional programs, and wrap-around services that are provided throughout the school division.

401 Nutrition
402 Appropriate Educational Programming 402.1 Appropriate Educational Programming
403 Assessment
403.1 Specialized Assessment
404 Early Identification of Student Needs 404.1 Early Identification of Student Needs
405 Entrance Age
Access to School 406.1 Access To School

407 Admission of Resident Students
408 Student Residency / Legal Guardianship
409 Admission Foreign Students
410 Student Absences & Excuses
411 Truancy
412 Student Attendance
413 Release Time for Students
414 Open Campus 414.1 Open/Closed Campus
415 Dispute Resolution 415.1 Dispute Resolution
416 Safe School Communities / Student Conduct 416.1 Safe School Communities / Student Conduct
417 Student Discipline 417.1 Student Discipline
418 Care of School Property by Students 418.1 Maintenance & Control of Instructional Materials
420 Substance Use / Abuse 420.1 Student Substance Use / Abuse
421 Interrogations and Searches
422 Corporal Punishment
423 Detention of Students
424 Student Suspensions 424.1 Student Suspension

424.2 Statement of Beliefs & Guiding Principles for the Use of Student Suspension
425 Student Welfare 425.1  Student Welfare
426 Student Insurance Program
427 Administration of Medicines to Students 427.1 Administration of Medicines to Students

428 First Aid to Students
429 Student Health Services - Special Health Care in Schools
430 Guidelines for Managing Students With Allergies & Health Conditions

431 Student Safety - Windchill
432 Supervision of Students
433 Student Safety 433.1 Student Safety Patrol
434 Student Placement -- Unlinked Portables
435 Recess for Students
436 Certified Service Animal in a School 436.1 Certified Service Animal in a School
437 Student Fees 437.1 Assessment of Student Fees
438 Student Fundraising 438.1 Student Fundraising
439 Student Awards, Honours & Scholarships 439.1 Student Awards, Honours & Scholarships
440 Student Records 440.1 Student Records
441 Safe and Caring Schools - Student Presence and Engagement 441.1 Safe & Caring Schools - Student Presence & Engagement

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